Hey Guys,
I am also sorry for not posting in a long time. Nick, that is quite funny that you met a Jamacian all the way down in Tasmania! Things in the lab are really taking off! I've already repeated a phosphorylation experiment twice, which indicated that our protein of interest in the cell signaling pathway DOES get phosporylated by SOMETHING. But what?? I've overexpressed the suspected kinases, including both a negative and positive control. The only problem was that the blank, negative control showed more change than the samples that had the overexpressed kinase!! The positive control showed nothing due to an extremely problematic air bubble:( So now I'm thinking, could the kinase have some sort of inhibiting control or were mislabeled tubes the culprit? I will not know until I finish overexpressing the kinases again. The gel that shows all will be ready for transfer in an hour--wish me luck!
Outside of the lab, it is FINALLY spring time here! It's Canada, so I don't have too many exotic, crazy stories to share like the rest of you. But life is 10% what happens and 90% how you react to what happens. To be honest, that 1st 10% of getting placed in Canada was a pretty big upset, I'm not going to lie. However, Im doing the most I can to make the most I can out of the other 90%.
I visited the West Edmonton Mall last weekend. I hate malls, I'm not a shopper. But this place was something else & totally not like other things you find in Canada. They have this giant, indoor waterpark complete with a wave-action pool, tiki-bar, & water slides. (the slide I ended up trying was more like a vertical chute, but whatever) It was strange, running through a water park in the middle of a shopping mall. It was kind of like being in a snowglobe. People on the 2nd floor shops can look down & see all these little people enjoying a mini-paradise, in a mall. ONLY in Canada! More of this 90% later. Live it up, guys!
Meg, to be fair, i think you can still ride the flume in the Mall of America in Minnesota! Who wants to be wet while walking around a mall - I have no idea. We do these things in places where spring doesn't arrive until mid June :-)