Hi Guys,
When I started this job, I was given a peroxisomal membrane protein and 3 cell-signaling kinases that might be involved in it's phosphorylation (or event that turns a protein "on" or "off.") After a tiresome, 8-week battle with gene expression control and unpredictable cell metabolic rates, I think I have in my hands the preliminary evidence for the correct kinase, out of the 3 I was assigned to investigate. After repeating the experiment from start to finish this week, my boss agrees with me! I will spend my last week viewing the knock-out, organelle-fluorescing strain under the confocal microscope to see what else I find.
I celebrated with cocktails, then clubbing, and a trip to a serene, crystal blue lake with some friends from lab. It was excellent, until they threw me into the lake just to see my reaction. That water was the coldest I've ever felt in my life! Nobody else seemed to be bothered by it, though. Little kids were playing in it with no problem. I was kicking and screaming and causing a scene. People around us were asking if I was ok. "It's nothing, she's just from Georgia." my friends would reply. Keep up the great times and the great work, everyone! And try not to fall asleep within throwing distance from a glacial lake.
gorgeous - when not swimming in it!