Sunday, July 19, 2009

A flowery new home

So I have been here for 10 weeks now and am starting to reach the end of my stay, however, things here have only been getting more and more interesting. After Nick left, I needed a new place to stay for the remainder of my stay due to a lack of room at my current location. Fortunately, I was able to find a free place to stay online in return for a few hours of work each week. What I didn’t anticipate was that I was moving in with what you might call modern day Australian hippies. I’ve been living with them for a week and a half now, and I would have to say that they are a very different, but also loving group of people. I am not sure where to start with describing this bunch, but perhaps what happened last Friday night might be a good start. So I was coming home from work like any other day and was looking forward to getting some rest except when I reached my house something was a little odd. All of the lights were turned off, the doors locked and nobody was home. I had no idea where everyone was at, but I let myself in, cooked some dinner and went to bed. The next day I woke up and still no one was home. Now I was really starting to think things were getting a bit strange, but I went ahead and started doing my chores for the day. This consisted of preparing and making organic tea for them to sale at market. Finally, at about noon my friend Robert, who lives at the house with us, showed up and told me that Paul, the person who runs and organizes the place, got arrested the previous for driving without a license and for not having our van registered and insured, which is a criminal offence in Australia. Later that evening, however, Paul was back at home on bail and with some interesting jail stories. When I asked him why he doesn’t have a driver’s license, he just replied, “now why would I want one of those for?” The three guys I’m living with are very distrustful of the government and prefer not to live according to the norms of society. They have some different ideas about how the world works, although I may not always agree with them, I find the alternative viewpoints interesting. For example, I had a lecture the other day about how the government uses vaccines to get rid of the non-productive members of society. I just smile and say “isn’t that interesting.” I’m not going to try to tell people what to believe. As far as drugs, I am sure that none of them has ever touched a cigarette, much less anything more dangerous. They are very into healthy and natural living and they are all vegetarians or vegans. I really enjoy living with them, and I look forward to more evening chats with the guys when I get home from work. It most certainly keeps life interesting.


  1. What interesting people! I can't wait to hear more stories!

  2. you have exactly the right attitude for these adventures, Ryan. Peace out.
