Monday, June 23, 2014

Miracle Whip = Mayonnaise and other Oddities in France

After being in Paris for two weeks, I can finally say that I feel at ease. My time here as been an emotional roller coaster, from the elation I felt when I realized that I was actually standing the Louvre museum (somewhere I have always wanted to visit) to the despair I felt when I realized I am still perfectly capable of getting homesick at the age of twenty-one. Luckily, I have been able to venture out of my apartment and explore a bit when I am not being a lab rat. It's safe to say the highs have outweighed the lows. So far this trip has already allowed me to experience a lot of "firsts", and I have learned some interesting things about life à Paris :
1. There is a serious shortage of public restrooms (Several of my friends in the NBB study abroad program postulate that Parisians, as a group, are extremely dehydrated from lack of water consumption which results in the lack of public restroom. Either that or they have greater water retention and/or larger bladders than Americans).
2. Pizzas do not come pre-sliced, whether you order in or are at a restaurant.
3. It costs 1 euro ($1.36) to dry your clothes for just 10 minutes at a laundromat (which made me cry a little on the inside).
4. If you order mayonnaise on your sandwich, you will be surprised to find vile, imposturous Miracle Whip slapped on there instead (Luckily most of the sandwiches served here are so delicious, you hardly notice the "mayo").
5. Air conditioning is rare, especially on the Metro. (Add the hundreds of other people that miraculously fit on one train and you've got yourself a free sauna. It's not fun being short - i.e. armpit level- in these instances)
6. There are bakeries everywhere! This means that the temptation of fresh-baked goods is almost inescapable (But I have been good ... so far).
7. There are McDonald's everywhere. Subways, Domino's, and Pizza Huts are also prevalent.
8. There is free wifi offered at almost every public park in the city, which is even more amazing when you realize just how many parks there are.
9. Everything is either within walking distance or a short tram/bus/metro ride away. (Unlike Atlanta public transport, the system is very efficient and reliable)
10. There is a light show at the Eiffel tower every hour on the hour after dusk.
All in all, I feel as my time here has started out great. I cannot wait to see what else is in store. I hope you guys enjoy the cheesy, touristy pictures. À bientôt :)

1 comment:

  1. Miracle Whip?!?! I can't believe it. Do they also give you Miracle Whip with your pommes frites? When I was there, they were definitely still serving real mayo on everything. Maybe France has decided to be more health conscious. I want to hear more about these bakeries that are so appealing (i.e. pics of tasty croissants!).
