Sunday, May 23, 2010

Okay, so maybe Scotland IS beautiful...


Okay people, went to my first scottish castle today and FREAKING FELL IN LOVE WITH SCOTLAND! I finally got out of the "silver city" aka gray granite filled Aberdeen and saw a freaking castle. IT WAS SO EPIC. It was so epic, I can't even describe. It was almost like I was having one of those life-defining moments in this SWEET castle. I was alone, in a foreign country, had no money (will get to THAT later), no food or water (no money to buy it), I was with new friends that I met a WEEK ago and it was just incredible. I thought to myself, wow, maybe I really can randomly enter into a foreign city, find a place to live, make friends AND enjoy the culture all by myself! I was so proud! (Hence my smiling in the pics).

I now know everyone's name in lab. In the picture in front of the "War memorial" you have (from left to right) Klaus, Patrick, Sven, Yvan and Karsten. They are the best! After we went to the castle we had lunch at this place that claimed to be home of the deep fried mars bar! I didn't eat it of course because now that I have a place to live, I have returned to veganism.

ALSO, DISASTER HAS STRUCK AUSTIN! I needed to pay my landlord. I went to the cash machine and withdrew 300 pounds (that is the max you can withdraw in one day). The next day I went back to get more money and the ATM wouldn't let me withdraw. I tried at another bank and THE FREAKING ATM RETAINED MY CARD! GASP! I went into the bank and the teller told me it was their policy to SHRED ALL RETAINED CARDS! HOLY MOLEY! I was in deep trouble. I had no money for two days. I was LITERALLY STARVING! As a last resort I had to drink water out of my hands from a random bathroom sink... I WAS SO DESPERATE! Worst feeling ever. So I tried calling my bank to figure out this mess and then... MY PHONE RAN OUT OF MONEY! I had no way of putting more money onto it either! EFF! I was so scared. I was like, I am going to STARVE! Then I remembered I have another credit card I can use. But I had to activate it and it I had no money. Anyways, I eventually activated my card by putting money on my phone over the internet. BUT I FORGOT MY PIN NUMBER AT HOME! AHHHH!!!! What the eff! It was so bad. Anyways, I finally got food and water today (see pics, i am so happy) after I facebooked my sister to tell my Mom to skype me my PIN. It was ridiculous.

Also you can see my room. When I moved in there were cigarette butts and tobacco everywhere. You get what you pay for I suppose. But I cleaned it, so it's livable now. I would say about 6 people live in this TINY house, and no one is from the UK. A lithuanian lives next to me, and then some arabs live below me. It's crowded, it's cheap, and it's close to my work.

So, I am surviving. BARELY, but I am surviving. OH ALSO, legally bought my first beer from the grocery store yesterday. Props to me!

Okay, here comes another week! I am SO EXCITED!


  1. Well, thank goodness for the facebook + skype + sister + mom quatrifecta! I can't shake the image of you drinking out of a bathroom faucet. Poor guy but then, yay you for weathering the disconnect. Those pictures are outstanding!!

  2. Yes Cathy, THANK GOODNESS for social networking!

  3. WOWZ is right! Right after the look-for-nightclubs-in-churches unit, we will reinforce the back-up-money-plan plan! Glad you can buy food now and that lab is going well.

  4. Yes Leah! Perfect, I guess sometimes you just learn the hard way...

  5. oh austin... but i'm so jealous you got to go to a castle! ahhh!!
